Part 80: Super High-school Level Update #70
Just like I did after the second chapter, I'm going to post social links with the dead characters gradually along with regular updates. There are a quite a few this time! But for now, on with the game.
Maizono-san, killed by Kuwata-kun...
Enoshima-san, killed by Monobear...
Kuwata-kun, executed...
Fujisaki-kun, killed by Oowada-kun...
Oowada-kun, executed...
Ishimaru-kun, killed by Yamada-kun... and then Yamada-kun, killed by Celes-san...
And Celes-san was executed...
...Which brings us here.
A night has passed since Celes-san's trial. It's the same routine, cafeteria in the morning...
So it's just the five of us now...
That's one third of what we started with.
It feels lonely, naturally.
That is true...
What was that I saw last night...?
I don't understand...
Is Oogami-san the mastermind's mole...?
Is it really true...?
...Naegi. Is something wrong?
Oh,! Everything's fine!
...I can't confront her in front of everyone.
If I do that... it will only make things worse.
Right! Let's eat until we drop!
Huh? Why do we need to do that?
Because, everyone has a weird expression on their faces. Maybe we're just hungry?
When my stomach is full I always feel better. So let's eat...
Let's eat donuts and grilled fish until we drop!
That sure is deep impact combination fit for the end of the century...!
Huh? Aren't they both staples of a good breakfast!?
Grilled fish is a staple of traditional Japanese breakfast, and while I'm not sure donuts are what you'd call a wholesome, healthy western breakfast, I think Asahina may be on to something here with her fabulous fusion breakfast style.
We can't afford eating so much that we can't move. We have some exploring to do after breakfast, after all...
The exploration following a school trial... A new area of the school must have opened up.
In addition, we have Alter Ego with us now. The situation may not be as desperate as it seems.
...You're right. Let's try to think positively.
Yeah! Let's get rid of the dark thoughts and go for happy ones!
Like, about what we're going to do once we're out of this place...
Me, after we leave this place, I think I'm going to change my entire way of living...
Um, those sound dangerously like famous last words...
It's fine! I'm not gonna die! In fact, we won't have another murder at all!!
Eh? How come you're so sure...?
Last evening, I had a premonition! My premonitions never lie, right?!
...So, are they always on the mark?
They're extremely accurate 20% of the time! Maybe even 30%!
That's... strangely vague.
It's natural that they fail sometimes, isn't it? It's not like they're supernatural or anything.
My fortune telling isn't like what you get from those people dealing with the occult!!
Isn't fortune telling... occult by definition...?
That's a huge misconception! Fortune telling is fortune telling! It's nothing like cattle mutilation or things like that!
Cattle... what?
It's an urban legend... Aliens kidnap cows to examine and dissect them...
Are you sure it's just an urban legend!?
Let me tell you about my very own personal experience!
One day, I went to buy a hamburger for lunch.
It was my first time at that restaurant, but they were known for their 100% beef burgers.
I asked for a takeout, and was soon back on my way home.
But suddenly...
A beam of light came out from the sky!!
That beam of light went headlong straight towards my burger!
Before I could tell what was happening, my burger was snatched away!
But then...!
The burger stopped midair, and suddenly started to break apart!!
One part continued its way upward the beam of light, and the remaining part went straight back into my hand!
Do you understand what that means...?
It meant it wasn't really a 100% beef burger, but was made with mixed meat!
It was at least 70% pork, and only about 30% beef...
I went straight back to the restaurant and questioned the owner. He had no choice but confirm his trickery!
He was selling mixed meat patties disguised as 100% beef...
Do you get it now?! That's the true meaning of cattle mutilation!
I... think I lost you halfway through...
I can't even tell if you're for or against occult stuff. You truly are a stinkin' idiot, aren't you.
That's a rude thing to say!
In that case, you just stink.
I can live with that!
![](52-char-asahina12-h.png) can!?
![](21-char-naegi1.png), anyway...
It would be great if your premonition turns out to be true...
Well, at the very least
I'm not going to kill anyone!
I won't kill either! I mean, I don't think I'm even capable of something like that!!
I concur...
Me too...
Of course, I won't either. I can't even imagine killing a friend!
...We exchanged those words, trying to comfort each other.
Unity... that was the one thing we could achieve after witnessing so many victims.
I wish Fukawa and Togami were also here to reassure us...
But... those two are up to no good. They think about nothing but themselves...
There's nothing we can do about being stuck with people with such rotten personalities...
His words told the real story.
Our unity was a weak and fragile one...
CHAPTER FOUR: All All Apologies
After finishing breakfast, we sat out to start our investigation.
There should be new places we can go. We had to find out if there was anything helpful in them...
Heading straight to the third floor ascending staircase.
Yep, they're now open.
Hope's Peak Academy's 4th floor... So it really has opened...
This time... I hope we're going to find something helpful...!
No, we'll definitely find something!
As usual, here's the floor map. We'll explore it next time!